Saturday, February 23, 2013

Still a work in progress

We haven't written anything down for a bit since we're kind of at a stand still. We do start our workshops on Monday, 4 consecutive Monday night classes in San Francisco. We're both excited to meet other couples in the same boat as us. Not to mention date night in the City is a bonus. I already have a list of restaurants that I want to try.

We were really hoping to have everything done by now. The dear birthmother brochure is a lot more challenging than we'd hoped so we're reaching out for some help.

In the meantime, I'm getting ready for when I could actually receive calls from birthmothers. They will have the option to contact the agency or us directly. Since I work from home and am much more available than Lou is at the winery, it'll be my mobile number that is called. Even though I really feel Lou would be better at this (I'll probably just start crying). So, I have the list the adoption agency gave us of dos and don'ts pinned above my desk. We're nervous and excited already. The future is just crazy to us right now.


  1. Keep plugging along my friends and the universe will conspire to make your dreams come true.

  2. Hi Sue,
    My name is Cari Carlson. Teresa Vargas is a friend of mine and informed me of you entering the world of adoption. I just wanted to offer any help or encouraging words in your journey if need be. Adoption is an overwhelming, lonely, and emotional roller coaster to navigate on your own. I read that a few families have already reached out to you. I encourage you to keep their #'s close by and don't hesitate to call them. As an adoptive parent I look forward to those phone calls from new comers. I love feeling that Im giving back in some way and being part of someone's adoption story. My husband and I have adopted 2 kids ourselves. We live in AZ so it may be a bit different than CA. We were originally with Catholic Charities, but ended up finding both our birthmoms thru friends and family. I won't go into details but if you need anything please don't hesitate to contact me. Good luck in this whirlwind and exciting journey. It will forever change you as a person and I can't wait for you to have your dreams become a reality!
    Cari - or 480-338-1498
